“Hi there, if you’re a creator wanting to chat about your next career steps or a brand looking to hook-up with the latest talent, then drop me a line or give me a call – we’re here to help!”
0161 477 8501
07842 444 174
Izzy Field
Chat with Alice
“Hi, great to meet you. I’m Alice and I run the IPOS ACTIVATE pillar, making sure all our customer projects run like clockwork. If want to talk anything activations-based, then give me a shout.”
0161 507 1473
07375 408 218
Chat with Scott
“Hey, I’m Scott, Head of IPOS CREATE. If you’d like to chat anything creative, then please give me a shout. We’re a friendly team with years of experience.”
0161 507 1470
07741 556 603
Scott Waldron
Chat with Tim
“Hi, I’m Tim and I lead the IPOS IGNITE pillar, helping brands just like yours at the earliest stages in your creative journey. I’m always up for a chat, so drop me a note or give me a call.”
0161 477 8501
07842 444 173
Tim Nash
Mission Pending …
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is currently pending and will be emailed to you over the coming days.