Code of ethics
To be a safe, supportive, and trusted workplace requires determination and a culture that promotes the ideals of a respectful company.
Being a trusted brand does not happen by accident and to attract and keep likeminded clients, supply partners and employees, is a conclusion that those who work with us come to in response to the experience from working with IPOS.
From the beginning of our journey in 2005, people have been the priority of the business and everything else has flowed from that one core principle. The relationships that exist reflect the integrity, openness, and respect across the organisation.
The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to underpin and reflect what happens on a day-to-day basis, here at IPOS and across all the relationship we have. The focus on integrity, openness, respect, and responsibility, reflects our belief that humanity and commerciality can comfortably co-exist.
It details our respect for people, and intolerance for any form of corruption, discrimination, harassment, and any forced labour by any partner we work with. The Code underpins equal opportunities, safety, and the wellbeing of our Team.
Principles do not bend, and this code ensures we hold ourselves to the highest standards that culminate in a stimulating and motivating environment that nurtures talent and promotes trust.
These are the highly principled standards that all of us expect from one another.
I recognise that we must invest in a strong culture and that this code forms an ongoing intent to support and encourage an ethical approach to all our relationships.
I know you will aspire to be the best you can and if IPOS can be part of your journey to enjoying a content and happy life, then IPOS will have achieved its vision of being the most rewarding agency to work for in the Northwest.
01/03/2023 : Andy Cecil – Managing Director
Our Purpose
Our Code of Ethics is intended to sit alongside IPOS’s core principles and values, which all employees and our third-party partners are expected to embrace. In doing so, it will ensure the highest standards of integrity and professionalism that IPOS holds are reflected in every activity carried out on behalf of the company.
Our culture pillars are:
- To have a voice and be heard
- Uncompromising standards and integrity
- To have a desire to grow
- Best practice always
- Continually seeking solutions
- Making time for fun
Our Values
Be Considerate
Consideration to each other and to others we may have an impact on from the decisions we make.
Be Proactive
Acting and leading by example
Be Passionate
Living the brand dream and immersing ourselves in our clients’ brands.
Be Versatile
Agility of thinking and embracing change
Having fun
Taking time out to enjoy the journey
Our Standards of Conduct
IPOS is committed to promoting an open, safe space to work in that guarantees and respects the individual, their wellbeing, their health, their safety, equal opportunities, and non-discrimination.
IPOS fiercely promotes:
- Positive respectful practices
- A safe, non-fear environment for all employees and partners
- Supportive and respectful working conditions including respect of working hours, equality, and diversity
- Fair and equal salaries for all. • Equality, diversity and being different
- An intolerance to any form of intimidation, coercive behaviour, threat, harassment, whether physical or verbal or psychological
- A safe supportive environment
- A culture free from sexual harassment, offensive language, or attitudes, racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious insults
Health & Safety
IPOS is committed to the health and safety of our employees, clients, and suppliers. By working closely with Health & Safety partners, IPOS will act in full compliance and to the spirit of health and safety in the workplace legislation. Training, regular maintenance, a culture of prevention, and a clear responsive reporting structure to the senior team.
Clients & Suppliers
IPOS seeks to build mutually respectful relationships with its clients and suppliers with the overarching aim of creating a solid relationship inspired by the values of integrity, honesty, impartiality, legality, professionalism, and transparency. IPOS promotes communication that mutually respects each party and is in line with our values.
Reporting a Code of Ethics Violation
All parties are expected to observe our Code of Ethics and report any conduct that falls short or does not follow the spirit of, or principles mentioned in this document. Please report any concerns to