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Where brands come to life

Chat with Izzy

“Hi there, if you’re a creator wanting to chat about your next career steps or a brand looking to hook-up with the latest talent, then drop me a line or give me a call – we’re here to help!”

0161 477 8501

07842 444 174

Izzy Field

Chat with Alice

“Hi, great to meet you. I’m Alice and I run the IPOS ACTIVATE pillar, making sure all our customer projects run like clockwork. If want to talk anything activations-based, then give me a shout.”

0161 507 1473

07375 408 218


Chat with Scott

“Hey, I’m Scott, Head of IPOS CREATE. If you’d like to chat anything creative, then please give me a shout. We’re a friendly team with years of experience.”

0161 507 1470
07741 556 603
Scott Waldron

Chat with Tim

“Hi, I’m Tim and I lead the IPOS IGNITE pillar, helping brands just like yours at the earliest stages in your creative journey. I’m always up for a chat, so drop me a note or give me a call.”

0161 477 8501

07842 444 173


Tim Nash


Our Pledge

At IPOS we recognise that we all need to make a proactive difference to the impact that we have on our planet. We believe that this does not happen on its own, and making conscious decisions every day, will help us to positively change our impact on the environment.

We acknowledge that we cannot change everything now but if we start today and continue to work towards realistic goals, we can make a difference.

For this reason we set up our sustainability department who have been tasked with developing and implementing short, medium, and long-term environmental and sustainability objectives and goals. Our six branches of focus are:

Enery reduction

Education & training

Recycling & reusing

Manage our carbon footprint

Reduction of waste produced

Responsibly sourced materials

From these six branches we have specified the following areas where we can make an impact. These are:


  • Understanding the issues affecting the environment and sustainability
  • Addressing our own behaviours
  • Working with our clients to provide solutions that meet both theirs and our environmental objectives
  • Working with our suppliers to encourage the adoption or more environmentally sustainable objectives
  • Seeking out collaborative relationships that we can share ideas and learnings from