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Where brands come to life

Chat with Izzy

“Hi there, if you’re a creator wanting to chat about your next career steps or a brand looking to hook-up with the latest talent, then drop me a line or give me a call – we’re here to help!”

0161 477 8501

07842 444 174

Izzy Field

Chat with Alice

“Hi, great to meet you. I’m Alice and I run the IPOS ACTIVATE pillar, making sure all our customer projects run like clockwork. If want to talk anything activations-based, then give me a shout.”

0161 507 1473

07375 408 218


Chat with Scott

“Hey, I’m Scott, Head of IPOS CREATE. If you’d like to chat anything creative, then please give me a shout. We’re a friendly team with years of experience.”

0161 507 1470
07741 556 603
Scott Waldron

Chat with Tim

“Hi, I’m Tim and I lead the IPOS IGNITE pillar, helping brands just like yours at the earliest stages in your creative journey. I’m always up for a chat, so drop me a note or give me a call.”

0161 477 8501

07842 444 173


Tim Nash

OFFICE x New Balance RC30 Campaign

The brief

To promote the New Balance RC30 with the OFFICE audience across the UK.

The idea

Inspired by the unusual construction of the RC30 trainer, our goal was to think differently about the traditional marketing approach and delve into the lives of real individuals who embody the spirit of creativity and self-expression. The idea was simple, to resonate with audiences by producing captivating video stories that showcase the individuality of those who stand out in cities across the UK.

We produced 3 stories of creative females living in Glasgow, Manchester and London, sharing a day in their life, in the hope of inspiring, educating and forming genuine connections between the brand and its audience.

What We Did 

What We Did 

What We Did 

What We Did 

What We Did 

What We Did 

What We Did 

For this project, we called upon the following IPOS pillars

Who delivered the complete project, including …

Creatove Direction | Project Management | Design Management

Sophie’s Story

Sophie Mahandru is a floral designer based in Glasgow, Scotland. She creates bespoke floral displays for a range of events and individual commissions.

Her story starts with the collection and preparation of locally sourced flowers and we follow her to her studio where she works on her latest project.

Watch her story below.

Angelica’s Story

Angelica Miles is a fashion stylist based in Manchester, England. She is influenced by street culture and 00’s rap and hip-hop.

We follow her day as she moves across the city catching up with friends, collecting references, sourcing products and customising pre-loved garments.

Watch her story below.

Charlotte’s Story

Charlotte Illedge is a fashion designer, content creator and vintage store owner based in London, England.

Charlotte’s day starts with walking her beloved dog to clear her mind and get ready for a day of vintage shopping, museum visits, hitting up the local delis and creating.

Watch her story below.

Once each story had been created and relevant campaign shots we captured, IPOS we able to shape how these messages we communicated across social platforms, online and even in-store rollouts.

Special Thanks

Alice Bew – Project Manager

Scott Waldron – Creative Lead

Holly McCandless-Desmond – Photographer

Caitlin Ricaud – Videographer

Benjamin Wong, Frank Hammond – Gaffer

Shauna McGregor – Stylist

Isabell S – Hair and Makeup

Sophie Mahandru, Angelica Miles, Charlotte Illedge – Talent

The OFFICE team

New Balance
